
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

随着假日季节的全面展开, I wanted to share with you a story about another very generous man with a big, red cherry nose who brought smiles to those he met.

His name is Murphy Whitsitt, and he is a Field Serviceman for our 鲍德温科技公司. His story deserves to be told because he is a great example of someone who embodies our vision to measure success by the way we touch the lives of people.

Murphy spends most weeks of the year traveling from his home in Iowa to customers all over to repair and service their machines. 为他, “service” not only is part of his job title and the primary purpose of his role, 但这也是他性格的核心部分.

A U.S. Army veteran who served in Afghanistan and the father of three children under the age of seven, Murphy certainly understands how to support his country and provide for his family. But, recently, he found a rewarding new way to touch the lives of others.

今年夏末, after Hurricane Harvey devastated the Houston metropolitan area, Murphy got a phone call that changed the course of his life — his leader called to let him know that he was no longer needed the next week for a repair job.

Instead of taking personal advantage of some unexpected time off, Murphy considered all of those people who were hurting in Houston, and started making a plan to do something he’d always wanted to try but wasn’t sure if he could manage until after retirement.

He discussed his idea with his leader, who easily gave him the OK. He then called his wife to talk things over. 当他得到她的支持时, it was time to reach out to the Red Cross to find out how he could help in Texas.

harvey2 - 800 x450The relief organization quickly put him on a flight to Dallas, where people from Houston had been bused to shelter from the storm and its rising floodwaters.

When Murphy first stepped into Dallas’ Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, he saw thousands of traumatized people from all walks of life. 孩子们到处乱跑, and people were still wearing the same clothes they’d worn when they waded out of their flooded communities. 他看到了残疾人, people who had serious medical conditions — people who were in need and had no other options.

而不是感到不知所措, Murphy harnessed his desire to serve others, and found some paper and crayons to help the kids bide their time, 也让大人们安静一下.

Very quickly, he’d gone through reams of paper and had no crayons left.

他打电话给他的妻子, 她立即行动起来, searching online for affordable toys she could swiftly ship while Murphy ran to a dollar store to buy what he could find. Among the coloring books and other goodies he picked up, he also just happened to grab a clown nose. 当他回到收容所的时候, he popped that nose on and got back to work alongside his fellow volunteers, trying to do whatever he could to make a difficult experience less stressful.


当他戴着它的时候, 墨菲看到障碍消失了, 其他人也观察到了这一点, too — they even wanted clown noses for themselves. He noticed that he started connecting even more meaningfully with people, just by looking them in the eye and truly seeing them.

It wasn’t long before a man called out to Murphy, 就在他走过之后, to share that the clown nose made his sick mother smile for the first time since they’d left home and all of their belongings behind. In that moment, Murphy knew he made the right choice for his time off work.

事实上, 现在回头看, 墨菲说这很简单, sincere conversation with the man about his mom helped solidify that night as the most profound one in his life.

harvey3 - 800 x450对我来说,原因很容易理解. No matter the circumstance, people want to know that who they are and what they do matter. 在那个关键时刻, Murphy had shown the man and his mom that they mattered — and by reaching out to talk to Murphy, 那人回敬了他.

几个月后, Murphy still hears from some of the people he met during his intensive weeks of volunteering in Dallas, 他与这些关系密切. 最重要的是, 虽然, he’s excited to work with his team and his leaders to find ways to continue doing longer-term volunteer projects a couple of times a year going forward, rather than waiting for a perfect opportunity to present itself again.

I can’t help but think what might have happened (or not have happened) if Murphy didn’t feel supported in his role and by his leader. Would he have taken the chance to make a difference in people’s lives in their time of need?

Fostering a culture where caring for and serving others is the default mindset reaps benefits far beyond those on the receiving end of the good deeds. Murphy Whitsitt对此表示赞同. A dollar store red nose and the desire to serve those in need turned into the most profound experience of his life.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2018年12月21日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2019年12月20日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2016年12月28日
The Kind of Giving That Keeps on Giving

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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