
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

本周早些时候, we discovered online an animated video that tells the story of how Barry-Wehmiller dealt with the recession of 2008-2009. 它是作为“周一一分钟系列, 很大的影响, 是摩根·迈克尔的创意, 教师和教育领袖.

在她的 网站, Morgane challenges her readers to a 21-day kindness challenge. Kindness is so central to the values we teach at Barry-Wehmiller, we wanted to introduce our readers to Morgane and her challenge. 除了在学校演讲来传播这个词, she is in the process of designing professional development to provide teachers and leaders with a roadmap for integrating the program within their classrooms. 她还写道 每周博客 about kindness, resilience and vulnerability and will be launching her own podcast this summer.



推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜这个充满不确定性的世界里, 无处不在的技术泛滥, 政治动荡, many of us are feeling more and more disconnected from the very thing that has been scientifically proven to determine our overall sense of happiness: our 连接 to one another. 焦虑, 孤独, depression and suicide rates continue to rise within populations across North America. In the name of efficiency and cost cutting, 许多企业 focus on numbers over people. 许多学校注重成绩和成就, 而不是培养责任心, 充满激情的, 创新创业型学生. 在宏观和微观层面, 感觉好像推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的国家, 许多企业, 组织和学校正处于危机之中.

As bestselling author on workplace motivation and behavioral management Dan Pink asserts, “Individuals spend over half of their waking hours at work.” Most people want to feel like they are contributing to something bigger than themselves, 他们所做的是有意义的, 和本质上, 他们很重要. I believe we are all responsible for the cultures in which we work, 学习和生活, and it falls on the shoulders of our leaders to show us the way.

The Small Act 很大的影响 21-Day Challenge serves to promote and cultivate safe and supportive cultures in workplaces and educational organizations. We encourage individuals from all walks of life (leaders, 员工, 父母, students) to intentionally commit to performing at least one altruistic act per day for 21 consecutive days, 搁置分歧, 繁忙的时间表, 对报酬的期望, 和假设, 这样做. What’s incredible is that it’s scientifically proven that people not only feel happier when they do kind acts, but their actions actually contribute to making those around them happier, 太! 意外的? 通过承诺21天的善意, 换位思考的习惯, 利他主义, and gratitude are formed at the neurological level and eventually lead to significant positive, long-lasting ripple-effects in workplace and institutional cultures.

How did the idea for the 21-Day Small Act 很大的影响 Challenge come about?

我读了西蒙·斯涅克那本很棒的书, Leaders Eat Last (which told the story of 鲍勃·查普曼 and Barry-Wehmiller), 我带着第二个孩子休产假的时候. So many of the ideas he shared resonated deeply with me. In the book, he explains effects of stress and kindness on the brain.

Cortisol, Sinek explains, is the stress chemical discharged by the brain into our body. It shuts down all of the non-essential functions in our bodies like digestion, 增长, and our immune system so that we can instantly react to danger by running away, 战斗, 或冻结. Cortisol also directly stops the flow of oxytocin (the empathy hormone) in our bodies. 问题是, people are feeling stressed out more and more frequently and cortisol is staying in our bodies for way 太 long. 它对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的健康有有害的影响, 精神健康, 最重要的是, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与人沟通的能力.

催产素, 负责产生爱的感觉的荷尔蒙, 连接, 和共鸣, is released when we receive or perform an altruistic act. It turns out, oxytocin is also released when someone simply witnesses a nice gesture. 令人难以置信的, neuroscientists have discovered that genuine kindness is literally contagious and has the power to counteract the effects of stress. 因此, simply engaging in kind acts can make those around us happier and less-stressed through association.

It was the first time I had truly come across the science of kindness as it relates to workplaces and educational cultures. 这对我来说是一种强烈的领悟. 作为一名教师和有抱负的教育领袖, I naturally began thinking about the way that these theories could be adapted for implementation within the classroom and our school communities.

That’s when I came up with the idea of a 21-day kindness challenge. Intentional kind acts would result in a more positive change in culture and extending it to a 21-day campaign would ensure 持久的改变.

What differentiates the 21-Day Small Act 很大的影响 Challenge from the random and sporadic nature of other kindness initiatives is the 21-day commitment. If we’re to create positive shifts within our cultures long-term, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜需要从根本上改变推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的习惯.


我的YouTube周一一分钟系列是一口大小的, one-minute glimpse into the big influencers who inspired the 21-Day Small Act 很大的影响 Challenge. 一般, the videos reinforce and provide examples of the possibility of intentional, 每日的好意.

My hope is that individuals will resonate with what they see and become inspired to learn more about and incorporate some of the altruistic and innovative ideas within their own lives to make their workplaces, 家庭和社区更加积极, 支持的地方. 我从个人经验中知道, 有时, 只需要一点灵感就能成就一番事业, 持久的改变.



Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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