
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

一年前, Barry-Wehmiller deepened its commitment to improving the lives of our team members by inspiring them to adopt healthier lifestyles. 响应推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的倡议, two team members came forward to share their stories about the consequences of taking responsibility for their health. In their situations, the results were more than life-changing—they may have been life-saving!

“没有人认为这会发生在他们身上. 而且如果我生病了,我也会觉得不舒服. 至少, 我也是这么想的,斯蒂芬·普吕多姆说, a member of the Aftermarket Sourcing Team at Barry-Wehmiller’s Thiele Technologies division (now BW集成系统 和 BW柔性系统),位于明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯市. “When my doctor delivered the news that my thyroid was cancerous, I was very, very shocked.”

多年来,斯蒂芬的甲状腺肿大了. From time to time, she had it checked by her doctor 和 even had an MRI at one point. Every visit the results showed nothing abnormal about it other than its size. 直到这个春天, when she made an appointment with her doctor because of Barry-Wehmiller’s Better You Incentive, 哪一种需要每年体检.

“我相信‘自我提升激励’可能救了我的命,斯蒂芬最近分享道, six weeks after having half of her cancerous thyroid removed. “If the checkup hadn’t been one of the required action items to earn it, I wouldn’t have done it. And if I had waited another year or more to get my enlarged thyroid checked again, 癌细胞可能已经扩散到淋巴结了. 或者更糟.”

Sincere concern for the health 和 wellbeing of our team members has always been part of Barry-Wehmiller’s people-centric culture. 多年来, we’ve offered a wellness program as well as a myriad of free or low-cost resources to support wellbeing. 尽管如此, we’ve continued to see significant numbers of team members suffering from health issues, potentially caused or made worse by not making their health a priority. So we stepped back 和 challenged ourselves “What more could we do to help our team members embrace healthier lifestyles? 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜怎样才能激励他们成为最好的自己?”

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的解决方案? Establish an incentive program–the Better You Incentive–to nudge team members in the direction of making healthy choices a natural part of their daily lives. The Incentive offers our US associates up to a $100 per month reduction in their health care premiums if they fulfill a set of requirements that show a commitment to making their health (和 their spouse’s health if applicable) a priority. Among the requirements are an annual checkup 和 any appropriate age- 和 gender-related health screenings.

Steph remembers being irritated when she first learned of the annual checkup requirement. “It was just one more thing I HAD to do, one additional thing to fit into my busy schedule.“但, 受医疗保险费降低的影响, Steph made the now fateful appointment that led to the early detection of her cancer. “To think that I wasn’t planning to get a checkup because it was going to take an hour or two of my time. That initial hour I spent at the screening may well have saved my life. What an eye opener this has been for me, my husb和 和 kids, my parents!”

5 - 10 - 15 -塞多纳远足- 225×汤姆·考克斯,装配组的一员 机解决方案, a portfolio company of Barry-Wehmiller’s Forsyth Capital Investors (now BW Forsyth Partners), is an avid mountain biker 和 hiker around Flagstaff, Arizona. He values being healthy 和 knowing what’s going on with his body so he never misses an annual checkup.  他现在对此特别感激. 去年10月, 50岁之后, his doctor ordered a PSA test during a routine physical that ultimately revealed he had prostate cancer. Tom underwent surgery 和 today the level of cancer in his body is undetectable. “I had no symptoms,” said Tom “so I’m glad I didn’t skip my checkup. Had I waited a year, the cancer would likely have spread to other parts of my body.”

汤姆对癌症并不陌生. 四年前,他们在他的视神经上发现了一个肿瘤. It was removed 和 fortunately he suffers no residual problems.  Tom became a vehement proponent of annual screenings 和 checkups 17 years ago after he lost his mother to colon cancer. “她没有定期检查,而且, 当她被确诊时, 病情严重,医生说她只能活一年. 一年后,她去世了.” Tom also watched a friend pass away from an aggressive cancer that might have been treated successfully had he seen a doctor rather than ignoring the unusual pain in his hip.

“I know how big the consequences can be if you put things off,” explained Tom.  “People make all kinds of excuses as to why they don’t get checkups. 我不明白. Why wouldn’t I take preventative measures, especially when they don’t cost me anything?”

Fortunately, Steph 和 Tom caught their cancers early, thanks to making their health a priority. They share their personal stories in hopes of motivating others to do the same. My hope is that business leaders who read this will also see that being good stewards of the lives they lead means more than just providing wellness programs 和 resources. As truly human leaders, we need to inspire them toward becoming their best selves. 你永远不知道,他们的生命可能取决于此.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2017年6月27日
wellbeing@work: PCMC的Chris Schroeder
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2018年3月1日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture 和 develop outst和ing leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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