The What and Whys of Recognition

June 22, 2022
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller


For example, 当时我和妻子辛西娅正在抚养推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的混血家庭,努力做个好父母, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学到的最重要的一件事是,如果你不赞美你的孩子五倍于你建议他们做得更好的事情, you are creating an oppressive environment for your child.

We have seen the same thing in our workplaces. One expression I have heard frequently is, “I get ten things right and I never hear a word, and I get one thing wrong and I never hear the end of it.” It applies to families, at work, in every environment.

I just read a recent Gallup/Workhuman report, 《在工作中释放人的因素:通过认可来改变工作场所.”

Here are some important takeaways:

  • 81%的领导者表示,认可不是他们组织的主要战略重点.
  • 73%的高级领导者表示,他们的组织没有为管理者或领导者提供员工认可的最佳实践培训.
  • 近三分之二的领导者表示,他们的组织没有为表彰分配预算.
  • 67%的领导者和61%的管理者表示,他们每周会给予几次表彰, 但40%的员工表示,他们一年只得到管理者几次认可,甚至更少, supervisor or other leader at their organization.
  • Only 23% of employees strongly agree their organization has a system in place to recognize work milestones; 15% strongly agree they have a system for recognizing personal events in employees’ lives.
  • 创造一种相互认可的文化可以为一家拥有1万名员工的公司节省16美元.1 million in turnover costs annually.

If this is the culture of recognition in most companies, if it is mostly an afterthought, wouldn’t you say they have created an oppressive environment?

Everybody wants to know that who they are and what they do matters. 在职场中,无论角色如何,人们都需要感受到个人的价值.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在Barry-Wehmiller谈论“认可”时,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜通常会把它与“庆祝”搭配在一起.” What we mean is, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在努力寻找人们的善良(认可),并把它举起来让别人看到和说, “Thank you for sharing your goodness” (celebration).

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜不断地努力使推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜公司的每一个角落都有光明, searching for people doing good, to find and celebrate those individuals for who they are. When we find them, we teach our leaders in timely, proportionate and thoughtful ways to say, “thank you.“推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜已经了解到,这是一种可教的技能,也是真正的人类领导力的关键.

We’re trying to continually build a culture in which everyone, 任何地方——不仅仅是领导者——都受到鼓舞去认可他人,赞美推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜所重视的行为,并与推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的文化保持一致.

The more we recognize and celebrate, 越多的人体验到的不仅是作为接受者的感觉有多好,也是作为施与者的感觉有多好. 给予认可的人从给予中得到的回报与接受的人一样多,甚至更多.


  • 73% are less likely to “always” or “very often” feel burned out
  • 56% are less likely to be looking or watching for job opportunities
  • 44% are more likely to be “thriving” in their life overall

    They are also

  • 5x as likely to feel connected to their culture
  • 4x as likely to be engaged
  • 5x as likely to see a path to grow at their organization
  • 4x as likely to recommend their organization to friends and family

但在Barry-Wehmiller,这不是关于减少流动率或公司从中得到什么. 这并不是给那些更有效率的人奖励,或者给他们一个Lucite牌匾,这样你就不用给他们奖励了. It’s about repaying their emotional investment with your own. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜奖励那些对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的文化有重要贡献的人, not just to our bottom line.

And we do it because it is the right thing to do. To show a person that who they are and what they do matters.

Here's a last takeaway from the Gallup/Workhuman report:

Recognition has the most impact when it is:

  • 满足员工的期望和需求——尽管全球劳动力中只有23%的人强烈认为他们的工作得到了适当的认可
  • 真实——尽管只有三分之一的人强烈同意他们得到的认可符合这个标准
  • 公平——尽管只有四分之一的人强烈同意在他们的组织中给予公平的认可
  • 植根于文化——尽管全球只有19%的员工强烈认为认可是他们工作场所文化的重要组成部分
  • 个性化——尽管只有10%的人被问及他们对获得认可的偏好


It’s not just the grand celebrations either. Everyday expressions of appreciation that are genuine, heartfelt, 有意义的给人们能量,让他们每天回家时都知道自己很重要.


What does recognition and celebration mean in your organization?

Do you feel like you recognize and celebrate your people enough? How do you think they feel about how they are recognized?



A few weeks ago, I wrote about an event we held at our Phillips, 威斯康辛州(美国)的位置,以“重新构想”推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在巴里-威米勒的认可计划, in the spirit of continuous improvement. We always want to get better and be better about recognizing our people. 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜照顾的范围内,这是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的责任之一.


In the coming weeks, 我将分享一段新的视频,记录这一事件,并提供推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为更好地认识和庆祝推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的人民所做的事情.

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需要帮助在你的组织中应用真正人性化的领导原则? Chapman & Co. 领导力研究所是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力咨询公司,与其他公司合作制定战略愿景, engage employees, 通过领导力培训,改善企业文化,培养优秀的领导者, assessments and workshops.

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