A Father’s Day Tribute

June 12, 2014
  • Kyle Chapman
  • Kyle Chapman
    President of Barry-Wehmiller

人们经常问我,作为一个成功商人的儿子,我是否有机会学习伟大的战略, 成功收购的秘密或关键的财务见解在餐桌上的讨论和睡前故事中揭示出来. 

我总觉得父亲成功地——而且是有意地——把工作和家庭分开了. 在我的记忆中,他从来没有表现出任何压力的迹象,就像他在上世纪80年代巴里-韦米勒(Barry-Wehmiller)动荡的岁月里感受到的那样,甚至也没有表现出经营一家成长型公司的正常起起落落. 他总是设法出现在我的体育赛事和我生命中的关键时刻, 尽管在全球范围内收购公司的人需要繁忙的旅行计划.

So, 而深入研究凯恩斯经济理论从来都不是餐桌上的常规话题, 我现在意识到,我爸爸(妈妈)用来养育我的许多教育方式是我在生活和事业上取得成功的基础, and represent some of the key underpinnings of Truly Human Leadership:

Power of Visioning: I played tennis (not very well) as a child, 在一场糟糕的比赛之后,我让挫败感影响了我的比赛, my parents sat me down and talked to me about visioning. They urged me to close my eyes and envision better shot placement, cleaner strokes, a winning strategy. 从本质上讲,他们希望我确定前进的道路,保持自信,坚持我的比赛计划. While this did not improve my game, their words stuck with me, proving valuable in other sports, in school and, more importantly, as I outlined my future career path.

"Beginning with the ideal outcome in mind" helped me focus in college, 指导我早期的职业选择,并最终使我实现了我的梦想工作, co-founder of Forsyth Capital Investors. Understanding visioning’s power to unleash the true potential of people, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜现在对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的每一个投资组合公司都使用了远景规划过程,这些公司已经取得了显著的增长和成功.

The Golden Rule: On the sports field, in the classroom or with a group of friends, 我经常引用父亲的建议“己所不欲,勿施于人”来指导我. Although simple in concept, following through is sometimes difficult, especially when I feel challenged by someone or when making a tough decision. 

At these times, when many would resort to retaliation as a suitable response, I again relied upon my dad’s advice to guide my actions: "Kyle," Dad would say, "when you play with pigs, you get dirty and they have fun.事实证明,像我希望别人对待我一样对待别人,并承诺置身于争端之外,在解决争端方面尤其有效, deal negotiations and, most importantly, accepting alternative viewpoints or motivations.

我努力按照黄金法则生活,并在适当的时候,勤奋地将父亲的明智建议融入到我与四个孩子的日常互动中,因为他们面临着体育的竞争压力, school and life in general.

Endless Optimism: My dad is an eternal optimist. I used to think to a fault. In fact, my siblings and I often joke that he sees unicorns, 梦中出现的蝴蝶和小狗象征着他乌托邦式的人生观. 他决心只看到人们最好的一面,并不断地赞美他们. He simply refuses to focus on the negative. 他乐观的态度对我有很大的影响,使我总是“假设积极的意图”."

在商业中,人们常常觉得自己被冤枉了,因为他们没有得到信任. 他们往往反应消极,闭关自守,给自己和团队成员制造焦虑. 我父亲的乐观态度让我明白了以信任为基础来处理问题的价值, assuming positive intent. This generally leads to more constructive conversations, open and honest feedback, and a stronger partnership. Above all, it is a much more personally rewarding way to go through life!

Mr. Unconventional: Dad has always avoided following the trends; his undying devotion to bolo ties and love for hyper-colored Chevy SSR cars are evidence of that. 他不允许“从众心理”影响他的决定或改变他的纪律. 

When I was a child, he often urged me to think independently. When discussing business, 他经常鼓励我“寻找别人没有的价值”——这是巴里-韦赫米勒成功商业模式的关键之一.  他经常参与那些通常会被大多数ceo“忽视”的价值创造活动, viewing these activities as "below their pay grade.“爸爸的领导建议与许多首席执行官的领导方式相反:高度关注细节, stay closely connected to the people, ground your beliefs in facts, 永远不要让你的头衔阻止你卷起袖子,深入工作.

父亲灌输给我的这些核心信念,帮助我在回到圣路易斯市之前,在私人股本领域和其他高级领导职位上获得了一些职位. Louis to establish Forsyth Capital Investors (now BW Forsyth Partners), 这是一家“混合型”股权公司,采用独特的方法——通过平衡运营专业知识和高度关注以人为本的领导力,收购和建设公司,以创造长期价值.

父亲节马上就要到了,我自己也是四个孩子的父亲, 我非常感激父亲对我的家庭和事业的影响. 他总是说,“养家糊口和做生意没有什么不同." I can attest to that, 作为一个商业领袖,我仍然会想起他和我母亲在我小时候教给我的那些东西. 我感到非常幸运,有机会与我的父亲一起工作,并吸收了他的许多伟大的领导原则. 他是我最信任的顾问、忠实的商业伙伴、热情的支持者和最好的朋友.

Thanks, Dad, for the amazing impact you have had and continue to have on me and the 8,000+ (and growing) lives you touch daily through Barry-Wehmiller. 你不仅是一位真正的人类领袖,也是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜所有人的真正鼓舞. Happy Father’s Day. I love you!

本文作者凯尔•查普曼是Forsyth Capital Investors的联合创始人,也是Baldwin Technology的首席执行官

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