
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席


我刚刚第一次通过了注册会计师考试. 我父亲比尔也是一名会计,他试了三次才通过考试. 他印象非常深刻,我在第一个座位上就通过了. 我在高中是一个普通的学生, but he watched me become a strong student in business school and go on to do very well with an opportunity on the audit team at Price Waterhouse.

In 1969 – during my second year at Price Waterhouse – my father asked me to join Barry-Wehmiller. 这是我从未考虑过的事情,因为我渴望成为会计师事务所的合伙人. Our family had become controlling owners of the company in the mid-1960s from the Wehmiller family when the company borrowed the funds to retire the Wehmiller family stock. 我父亲的3万美元投资占剩余股份的60%.

当我父亲让我加入巴里·维米勒时, 他的两名高管刚刚试图背着他找人收购公司, 这对他来说真的很难吗. 因此,我的职位基本上是“他可以信任的人”.” This unique entry point allowed me to move around in roles my father felt needed attention, 这让我对业务的各个方面都有了很好的了解. From engineering to manufacturing to international license agreements and to what was most impactful, 客户服务.

Then suddenly -- six years after I joined Barry-Wehmiller and I was now VP of Finance -- my father died. 前一天晚上, 他告诉我, “你真的在经营公司,说他要提升我为执行副总裁. That was the last conversation I had with him and it was meaningful that he had the opportunity to express his respect and confidence in me.

I’ve written many times about finding my footing as a leader after my father’s death and the struggles and successes over the next couple of decades. It led me to develop a robust business model for Barry-Wehmiller that captured the learnings from my many roles in the company and the transformational challenges I experienced and survived.

The vision we developed in 1989 was one of balance and diversity that would leverage our learning of the past. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜称之为增长、价值和流动性战略. It has guided our journey from a $20 million to $3 billion company and grown our share value by over 10%, 复利30年. It withstood the dramatic challenges of 2008-2009 and has again proved to be resilient during the pandemic of 2020.

一路走来, I also had my “revelations” that started our journey of Truly Human 领导. These ideas helped us realize that business was about more than just economic value creation, 但是人们, 目标和业绩——为人们加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜公司提供机会, give them a sense of purpose so that they share their gifts with us while we provide them a safe, 具有挑战性和回报的职业道路.

对我来说,2020年将是我职业生涯中又一个里程碑. 不一定是因为它的挑战, 而是因为这对查普曼家族在这个世界上的遗产意味着什么.

去年9月, our Board announced that my son Kyle would be promoted to President of Barry-Wehmiller after serving as its Chief Financial Officer.

凯尔在巴里-韦米勒的经历比我的更独特, as he helped launch a new “hybrid equity” investment initiative that combined the best of our strategic value drivers and what Kyle had learned in 10 years in private equity markets.

大约十年前, 此前他曾在美国银行(Bank of America)的私募股权团队工作, Kyle joined our organization when he started BW Forsyth Partners with his colleague Ryan Gable. BW Forsyth Partners是Barry-Wehmiller旗下纪律严明的多元化投资部门, focusing on industries/markets that leverage our combined experience and further improve the overall balance and risk profile of Barry-Wehmiller Group.

现在, 经过30多次收购, BW Forsyth Partners是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜公司价值6亿美元的一部分, 使推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的公司进一步多元化,进入保险服务领域, 基础设施, 医疗器械和印刷设备行业.

Kyle’s time as managing partner of BW Forsyth Partners also allowed him to prove and develop his leadership skills independently of my unique journey. 在过去的几年里, he assumed a greater role with Barry-Wehmiller Company and Group before his promotion to CFO in January 2020. 他的技能是应对2020年大流行挑战的关键驱动因素, 进一步赢得了Barry-Wehmiller领导团队和董事会的尊重.

而不是有“启示”来意识到有更好的领导方式, 凯尔一直是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜真正的人类领导文化的主要贡献者, 在这段旅程中,他一直陪伴着我.

A story I’ve told many times that was important in the development of our culture was when a team member asked me one night at dinner, 15年前:“鲍勃, 你最大的恐惧是什么?”

我回答道, “My greatest fear is that we will have worked hard to build something of significance here at Barry-Wehmiller and that it will die with me”.

That simple thought-provoking question and my impromptu response became a clarifying moment in our organizational journey. 此后不久, we began to engage in bigger conversations about the legacy of our business and we launched Barry-Wehmiller University, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的内部教育单位.

不像很多公司的培训经历, BWU的目标不是让推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的团队成员“得到更多”, 而是将他们从管理者转变为领导者, 因此,他们将有能力和勇气去关心那些他们有幸领导的人. When we began teaching our leaders how to care we were pleased that 90% of the feedback from leadership classes were about how it improved their marriage and relationship with their kids. 一路走来, we found that the spirit of caring fostered through this special training became an essential “fuel” of our business model “engine.”

I am very proud of all our initiatives to instill Truly Human 领导 into the hearts of our team members and to bring it to the world. 我为凯尔所取得的成就和他未来将取得的成就感到非常自豪. 就像我父亲为我通过注册会计师考试而感到骄傲一样, I have confidence that Kyle will carry on the 查普曼 family legacy of caring for those we have the privilege to lead.

I am continuing in my role as 首席执行官 and Chairman of the Board with no plans for that to change anytime soon. There is still much work to do on my journey and I know that we have only just begun to be a business that creates human and economic value in harmony!

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜进入新的一年之际,让推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜花一点时间反思2020年. We have always emerged strong and more resolute from the many challenges we have faced and the current pandemic is another unique learning experience that will shape a better future.

现在, let’s look at 2021 with purpose and intention and continue our efforts to make the world a better place through the power of business.


凯尔·查普曼/ 2014年6月12日

需要帮助在你的组织中应用真正人性化的领导原则? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, 通过领导力培训,改善企业文化,培养优秀的领导者, 评估及工作坊.

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